Be a WeekendHER!

June 08, 2019

  Be a WeekendHER! The weekends are meant to be spent relaxing and recuperating, we all know you’ve just had a long week at the office, at school, or juggling the kids. Even you can only afford enough time to have a brief “me moment”. Take that time for yourself to get the R&R you need, to launch you into a successful and present week. Brunch is always a great go-to when trying to take a break from the hustle and bustle. There is something oh so calming about a bountiful plate of eggs and bacon in the morning or a decadent pastry from your favorite local bakery. Whether it be lattes or mimosas, catching up with friends or sneaking away with your significant other, brunch is a haven away from home. Surprise day trips are a great getaway when you have a little more time on your hands. Exploring a new city or revisiting haunts of the one you are familiar with is oddly comforting. Art districts are a fun way to get in touch with the culture of an area. They are also a really cool way to pick up some new home decor or just a little treat to reward yourself for the week. If you are looking for a simple afternoon at home, grabbing a new recipe and making a test dinner can be very entertaining. Whether or not you are an incredible chef and will end up with a delicious meal, or will inevitably end up getting take out, you can only improve on your cooking. The weekend is a great time to do it, and eventually, you can become a master chef (with some practice). If all of these ideas sound enticing, but you don’t feel like venturing out, curling up with a book or the latest Netflix binge-worthy show maybe just the thing. Even just scrolling through social media and reading blogs, like this one, is the ideal time to unwind. If that is for you, then DO IT! Every woman has their own idea of the perfect weekend and what will relax them the most. The biggest thing you can do is take the time to make your weekend relaxing for YOU. Sometimes being in bed by 9pm and asleep by 10 is the perfect way to unwind. Live your weekend to the fullest, and take the time to rest and recuperate.  
