A Modern Looking Glass: Noelle Johnson, Founder of My Interview Buddy
Introducing Noelle Johnson! Noelle is a "Job Seeker Advocate and Diversity Inclusion Specialist, and the Founder of My Interview Buddy.
What makes you feel beautiful?
"I feel most beautiful after a day spent with people I love, doing what makes me happy, and wearing loads of color. Wearing lipstick is a must for me; if I'm not wearing it, I'm not ok!"
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A Modern Looking Glass: Anna Morris, Founder of Restcu
Introducing Anna Morris! An "Entrepreneur, Virtual Work Innovator, Strategic Communicator, and an Idea Champion".
Anna is also a mother and used her caregiving skills to become the incredibly innovative founder of Restcu.
What makes you feel most beautiful?
"I am my biggest critic, and don't feel beautiful often. If I were to pick a time when I do feel good, I would
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A Modern Looking Glass: Kariz Matic
Introducing Kariz Matic, a female-founder, CEO, mother, and long-distance cyclist!
What makes you feel beautiful?
"I feel most beautiful when I can share my joy, excitement, and optimism with others. The picture of me after my race, hugging my friend is a perfect moment of me feeling beautiful. Even though I was tired, sweaty, and dirty because at that moment I felt
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A Modern Looking Glass: Monica Flores
Introducing Monica Flores, self-taught Web Developer, Mother, and Female Founder!
What makes you feel beautiful?
“Every day, I know I do my best with the unique talents and skills I have. It makes me feel beautiful to know that I create a positive difference and build a better world for the next generation. My children, who inspire me and give me hope
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A Modern Looking Glass: Sophia Yen M.D.
What makes you feel most beautiful?
"I feel most beautiful when: I close a funding round. I secure a co-marketing partner. My daughters ask me for advice. When anyone asks me for advice. Pandia Health's customers give us a positive review or compliment. When a patient's life is improved. When women rise because of Pandia Health, SheHeroes.org, or from other advocacy/work
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